Founded in 2000, Presage Group, Inc., is a privately-held company whose technology reaches into the workplace to predict human behaviour with a diagnostic tool that targets the invisible threat of behavioural risk.
It was through his earliest career choice that Presage founder, Martin Smith Ph.D. (“Marty”), first came into to contact with the kind of issues – essentially, those of being ‘only human’ – that he would later be so dedicated to resolving. Aviation was his passion, and as a teenager he worked in ground handling, then flight dispatch, and finally flight operations.
Although he loved flying, he was left frustrated and concerned by the frequency of errors and the number of near misses that would have to be averted. Marty’s frustration turned into curiosity when he studied situational awareness in commercial pilots for his doctoral thesis, whose research went on to help form what is now the backbone of Presage.
Human error affects just about every single industry and sector, every department, and every function of every company. We are all aware of costly incidents that just didn’t have to be, from the slight to the significant – a mishap on the shop floor, a medical misadventure, or some other miscalculation with far-reaching consequences.
Yet human error is so prevalent throughout every aspect of our culture and experience that we rarely – if ever – consider the possibility of actually being able to eliminate it. But this is exactly why Presage is different. At the heart of all our groundbreaking technology and software is this very earnest desire to understand, improve, and fix. So it’s not the bits and bytes that define us, but rather our focus on people, and the organizations within which they interact and grow.
So much so, that Presage today plays an active part in the character, practices, and day-to-day decision-making of its thousands of users, taking into consideration their various industries, sectors, circumstances and aspirations. So while a commitment to curing organizations of all avoidable accidents may in the end prove an impossible task, with such a lofty ambition as our driving force, as well as the confidence that our users continue to show in us everyday, we don’t doubt the role we shall play in their future.